(installation shot) cardboard, wood, chain, viewfinder, lens, transparency, led light, 2010, 42" x 8" x 8"
linocut, 2010, 4" x 6"
The Fantastical Telescope:
The Fantastical Telescope:
The Information Dispersal and Retrieval Society mission went astray. We traveled west to understand its confluences and instead lost ourselves. Perhaps it was a success after all? But now we've returned and how exactly do we relate our adventure? A fantastical telescope perhaps, to see the far-off destinations and all their splendor.
Directions for using the telescope: Close one eye. Place your opened eye approximately one foot away from the lens. Adjust your distance to sharpen view.
Directions for using the telescope: Close one eye. Place your opened eye approximately one foot away from the lens. Adjust your distance to sharpen view.